Monday, June 15, 2015

The 4 Pillars of Social Media Marketing

Social media is an art not a science- there's no magic formula for success.  Instead, social media success is dependent on knowledge, planning, dedication and time. While this may seem daunting I've identified 4 Pillars of Social Media Marketing for you to focus on. If you cover these four areas your campaign will be on its way to success!

First, find your volume. This is the number of posts or updates per day and while there is no magic number of updates/day there is definitely a sweet spot. You can easily post too much or not enough. Second, quality is and always will be king. Only post quality content and if you don't have any solid content to post, don't post. It's quality over quantity. Third, without consistency your campaign will crumble.  The #1 reason campaigns fail is they lose steam. Everyone is all systems go in the beginning but as time goes by so does interest. You start to post less frequently and the quality of the content drops. In order to suceed you must map out a plan and stick to it. Finally, while it is important to post across multiple platforms, syndication is bad. This is becasue platforms are very different. Why limit other platforms to 140 characters just because Twitter does? Do you talk to your mother and best friend the same way? Twitter and Facebook are two totally different social media beasts ans need to be treated so.

If you have any questions about the 4 Pillars of Social Media Marketing or anything social media or fishing related please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care and tight lines!

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