Thursday, June 11, 2015

Quality is King

Businesses always have their eye on the prize and they should. Creating more revenue and getting the highest return on investment are goals that all companies share. Social media is no exception. The number one question people ask me is how do I get more friends/followers/likes/favorites/mentions? They're focused on the end result- got their eye on the prize.

The simple truth is there are no short cuts in improving your company's social media reach and influence. There is a lot of time and effort required to build a successful social media campaign. While there are many moving parts to a campaign, quality content is and always will be king.

Quality content is content that is either interesting or informative. Interesting content makes you "wow" while informative information makes you say " I didn't know that". Only post quality content and if you don't have anything solid to say, don't say it. It's truly quality over quantity.

If you have any questions about quality content, the other components of a successful social media campaign or anything else please leave a comment or shoot me an email!

Take care and tight lines.

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