Monday, September 22, 2014

Fumble III

After the gator took off with my shiner trap I knew I needed a new strategy.  So I went to my local pet store and bought a 10 gallon tank starter kit and hooked it up in my garage (Lisa was surprisingly cool about this).  Then it was time to go stock up on shiners as my plan was to fish first thing the next morning and not have to waste time going to the bait shop.  Of course I show up without my bait bucket and had to buy another one (great job Jason!).  With my new bucket and a dozen shiners I was in business and on my way home.

Once I got home I put them in my new tank and realized these weren't the same shiners I grew up catching.  These were BIG- like 3-4 inches!  My little 10 gallon tank was big enough for maybe 2-3 but not 12!  They all started to huddle next to the aerator due to lack of oxygen in the water.  It was clear they wouldn't last an hour so I released them into the pond by my house.

It became obvious that if I wanted to use shiners I would have to buy them on the way to my fishing hole.

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