Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Razor Baits Pro Staff Team

Extremely proud and honored to announce I'll be joining the Razor Baits Pro Staff Team!!! I am very excited to represent the greatest soft baits on the market and such a great team!!! Check them out at

Altering Your Strategy

It's always important to have a game plan when heading to the water. What area do I want to fish and what lure do I want to use are among some of the questions we all think about before we hit the water.

But what happens when you're thrown a curveball?

Last week  I planned to do some evening snakehead fishing so I got my favorite frog, strapped it to my custom Dunamis Rod with 50# braid and headed to the canal. Upon arriving the normally calm canal had waves! After a few casts and seeing my frog get air off the waves I knew I had to switch things up.

I tied on a Bayou Bug Jigs Da Gator Flippin Jig with a lizard trailer and on my third cast boom!

Knowing when to change your strategy is very important in fishing. Failure to notice and adapt to conditions will result in lost fish.

Take care and tight lines!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

5 Pound Snakehead on my GoPro

Caught this 5 pound snakehead on my custom Dunamis Rods fishing rod throwing a Bayou Bugs Jigs Swim Jig with a lizard trailer!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bayou Bug Jigs Field Staff!!!

Extremely proud and honored to announce I'll be joining the Bayou Bug Jigs Field Staff Team for 2016!!! I am very excited to represent the greatest jigs on the market and such a great team!!! Use the code below for 20% off!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Facebook Messenger

If you're a business with a Facebook Page make sure you're set up for Facebook Messenger.  Potential customers may have questions about your product or service and without Facebook Messenger they will move on to a competitor.

While this may seem like beginner stuff you would be surprised at how many businesses do not have Facebook Messenger.  So if you already have Facebook Messenger- good job.  If you do not- add it right now!

Take care and tight lines!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Promoting Other Brands on Social Media

If you're a business be careful about what other businesses you promote on your social media platforms.  Just last night a company lost my business because they spend more time promoting a business I compete with on their page than promoting their own page.

I'm not sure if they have a cross-promotional deal or if they're just unusually obsessed with promoting an inferior product but it didn't matter- my business was already gone.

Take care and tight lines!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Topwater Frogs

Topwater fishing is great! Jigs and spinners may be effective but only topwater lures allow you to see the strike- what's more exciting than that?

I love throwing frogs- they're weedless and bass love them. The biggest drawback is their steep price so when it came time to restock my tackle box I put a lot of thought into it. I didn't want to spend over $10/frog but I wanted quality- I wanted to get the most bang for my buck. I thought about it for a while and came up with three categories to judge them on: color, hook setting ability and durability.

Now that I had my criteria to evaluate the frogs I went to Bass Pro, grabbed a lawn chair from the camping section and sat down in the frog aisle ready to get down to the bottom of things...

The first thing I evaluated was color and while very important it is often misunderstood. The only color that matters is its belly color- it's the only color that fish see. Think about it- the bass is coming up from below and most of the frog is above water. While intricate paint jobs catch the attention of an angler they do nothing to catch the attention of a bass.

To make matters worse, many times a frog's belly does not match the body. Don't buy a frog online unless you've already used it before and when you're at the tackle shop be sure to take the frog out to make sure the belly matches the body.

So the first thing I did was grab several frogs in the same color but from different brands and open up the packaging. Right off the bat I eliminated most of them when I saw their belly color didn't match the body. I had already decided I wanted to cover all my bases- black, white, green and yellow. Surprisingly, only one brand had frogs with black, white, green and yellow bellies.

With color taken care of I moved onto hook setting ability. Some frogs are stiff and require serious pressure to expose the hidden weed-safe hooks resulting in lost hook ups. It only took a slight amount of pressure to expose the hooks which made me happy.

The final thing to evaluate was durability. One thing I noticed was the better the durability the harder the hook set was and vice versa. It's important to find common ground between these two dividing forces. While hook setting is important you don't want a frog that immediately starts taking on water or is destroyed after one hit.

After a thorough inspection I had a decision to make...

Sure, a $12 frog might dance better than a $4 frog but is the difference worth the price and $12 frogs still break, get snagged, break off and fill with water. I thought to myself...

Is it really worth the money???

At what point does the skill of the angler overrule the lure???

Do you need a $12 lure or are you skilled enough to work a $4 frog???

I decided to go with $6 frogs and I'm anxious to see how my bargain (still made by a well known company- just not grossly overpriced) frogs stack up to the expensive ones!!!

Take care and tight lines!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

NY Rangers Preseason Wrap Up!!!

While the preseason means little, the Rangers looked good in the games I watched.  Mats Zuccarello  is back and looks like the Zuc of Old, King Henrik is holding court and the starting lineup is all set.  Only things left on the table are the suits.

The race for 7th defenseman comes down to Dylan McIlrath and Raphael Diaz.  While Diaz looked good on the power play McIlrath clearly won this battle sealing the deal by fighting Boston forward Tyler Randell (a fight he clearly won) after he made contact with Lundqvist.  McIlrath had a strong camp and will easily fill the role of enforcer.  It's time to see what the Undertaker can do in the NHL.

Speaking of enforcers, the race for the last forward spot is down to Emerson Etem and Tanner Glass.  Glass, a veteran, is a solid penalty killer and will drop the gloves with anyone filling the role of enforcer last year.  Etem has been a disappointment since coming from Anaheim in the Carl Hagelin trade.  At 23 years old he still has potential and releasing Etem means they traded Hagelin for nothing.  For these reasons Etem is my pick to wear a suit but with coach Alain Vigneault's unexplainable attachment to Glass anything is possible.

The only other question at this point is how well will Antti Raanta fill Cam Talbot's skates.  Talbot was as reliable as back up goalies come- to the point he is now the starting goalie for the Edmonton Oilers.  Will Raanta be able to handle 20-25 games to spell Lundqvist?

The Rangers head into the 2015-16 season will high expectations- much like the last two years.  This is truly a Stanley Cup or bust season... LGR!!!

Take care and tight lines!