Thursday, July 9, 2015

Automation vs Syndication

No one argues that posting your content over multiple platforms is vital to the success of your social media campaign. If your goal is to get your message to as many people as possible why wouldn't you? The problem I have is too many companies are syndicating their content across multiple platforms. I don't know if it's the convenience of posting to multiple platforms with one button or that people are just lazy. Here's my issue with syndication.

First, platforms have different rules and restrictions. Why limit all platforms to 140 characters just because Twitter does? Second, do you talk to your mother and best friend the same way? Twitter and Facebook are two totally different social media beasts and need to be treated so. Instead, customize your content to best suit each individual platforms specifications and post separately. Customization is the key!

While syndication may seem like a time saving tool on the surface it's really the lazy man's way out. To get the most out of your campaign take the extra time to post custom content to each platform.

Take care and tight lines.

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