Thursday, August 6, 2015

Social Media and Weight Loss

Adding followers and friends is like weight loss. People use fad diets and expensive supplements for quick weight loss. Similarly in social media people will respond to slow developing campaigns with a knee jerk response like buying friends/followers.

In both social media and weight loss people expect huge results in a short amount of time and only want to put in the minimal effort. People will trade success, especially long term success for the easiest route available.

The result, in both social media and weight loss is limited success in the beginning. The problem occurs when they start to feel over confident and start falling back into their old bad habits. Next thing they know they're back at the same number of friends/followers or weight.

The only way to succeed in social media or weight loss is to completely re strategize your approach.

Dedication and consistency are the keys to prolonged success in both social media and weight loss. With social media you must post quality content consistently in order to achieve long term success.

Take care and tight lines!

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