Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Dunamis Rods Pro Staff!!!

I'm very happy and excited to announce I'm officially a member of the Dunamis Rods Pro Staff!!! I am truly honored to be part of such a great team!!!  Click the link below to check out their website!!!


Fish On!!!

First trip to the canal with my new custom tarpon rod from Dunamis Rods and although I didn't catch any tarpon I'd say I had a good day!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Tarpon are running!

Tarpon are running through the Glades right now!  Look at this juvenile I caught last week!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Fish On!!!

Great morning at the canal! Not a giant but still a nice peacock bass and two gars! Not to mention a 10 minute (unsuccessful) fight with a nice tarpon!  Look at the color on that peacock!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Your Biggest Competition

Your biggest competition is yourself.  You have to shed your ego and stubbornness at the door and push to make your goal.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Many people make the mistake of syndicating their Facebook and Twitter.


They are completely different social media beasts and need top be treated so.  Think of it this way... Do you talk to your best friend and mother the same way?  I hope not!

Here are a few things to think about...
  • Twitter limits you to 140 characters... Facebook is unlimited
  • Although there is no magic number of tweets per day no matter how you slice it you need to be tweeting SIGNIFICANTLY MORE than posting on Facebook.
  • Not to mention strategies, content and the way you speak are completely different.

Now it is important to distinguish between syndicating and posting your message across different social media platforms.  The key is to tweak, customize and cater your message to the specific platform (and post significantly more on Twitter than Facebook).

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Fish On!!!

Another beautiful day at the canal and the largemouths were biting!

My article for Cast For Bass!

Looking to get sponsored???

If you haven't already please click on the Cast For Bass link below to read my article on the best practices when trying to find sponsors!!!
