Thursday, January 29, 2015

Fish On!!!

It was a little chilly at the canal this morning but I managed to land this guy!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Fish On!

Did some intracoastal fishing north of Boynton Beach today and caught this guy!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Check out my article for!!!

Please check out my new article for Cast For Bass!!!  It's about using the power of social media to secure sponsorships!!!  Also, check out for other great bass fishing articles!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Peacock Bass Size and Color Explained

I've been getting a lot of questions regarding the differences in size and color of the Peacock Bass I catch so I wanted to take a minute to explain.  There are many reasons for discrepancies in size and color in many fish and animals- male vs. female is usually a favorite but not when it comes to the peacock bass.

The main reason for differences in size and color is maturity.  Let's start with size... 

Peacock bass have two distinct growth phases.  The juvenile phase is centered on length with 12-16" of growth in their first two years.  Then the adult growth phase concentrates on girth.  Basically, a 17" fish will weigh about 3 pounds while a 19" bass will weigh around 5 pounds and so on.  Now for color...

As juveniles peacock bass have a bright olive green body with three vertical black stripes not to mention their signature black eye on their caudal fin.  As they mature, their stripes will diminish and in some cases out right disappear.  Their body color can also lighten to a more yellowish green color.

So there you have it.  Peacock bass size and color is determined by maturity and in case you're wondering it's very hard to tell male from female except during mating season when males develop a pronounced hump on their forehead.  If you have any other peacock bass or fishing questions please do not hesitate to ask the Laughing Pescador!

19 Inch 4 1/2 Pound Peacock Bass- vertical black almost gone and yellowish green color setting in

16 Inch Peacock Bass- vertical black stripes starting to disappear since it is close to maturity


Monday, January 5, 2015

Social Media in 2015

I'm sure you've already seen hundreds of articles identifying thousands of different social media trends for 2015... I know I have!  Trying to identify which trends will actually help your business can seem daunting.
It's actually very simple, social media success in 2015 will come down to two things: Transparency and Engagement.
I know what you're thinking and I hear you loud and clear- Jason, shouldn't we already be transparent and engaging with people?  The answer is clearly yes but with two small caveats.  First, if you're actually 100% transparent and engage all your followers and friends then high five because you're definitely in the minority.  Simply put, I'm sure if you take a hard look at your current social media plan and execution you will be able to improve in both these categories.
Second, with the direction social media is heading transparency and engagement are becoming more important.  Transparency is important because nothing is private in the technological world we live in.  If you attempt to mislead people you will get caught and it will not look pretty.  Google has turned every one of your followers and friends into fact checkers looking for an opportunity to call you out! Engagement will be important because contrary to popular belief business is personal. People buy from brands they know, like and trust.  Social media engagement (and transparency) helps turn a lead into a client and a casual client into an advocate.

So there you have it.  Social media in 2015 will come down to transparency and engagement.  Now get to work and start planning your 2015 marketing and social media goals!

Fish On!

Usually I fish first thing in the morning but I decided to do a little dusk fishing over the weekend and look at what I caught!